Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Uitm Di HaTI KU...

convocation day... enjoy that day with happiness n my beloved frens we proud being as a student at Uitm under DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT... now.. we are diploma holder.. br dip kn.. adoi..  hihi...  :) masih pnjng lg laa oi bdak..perjalanan hidup.. yg penting.. whatver it is life must go on..  

                  my fren & my roomate DELL
                 me, shirley n shela.. clsmte
                   smile  smua  :)
                  beloved frens, clsmte
pocho! tp name dia diyana..  yg sblh shela tue... :)


Win urself seats on KLM flight by playing #KLMTagASeat today

Win urself seats on KLM flight by playing #KLMTagASeat today

KiTe TeNgOk PeNyU tElOr.....

waaaaaaa....... manenya penyu.. xda pom.. xda pom... haha.. ish.. bg laa salam dlu kn.. ASSALAMUALAIKUM, slm sejahtera n selamat pg semua....  :) mulakan hr dgn senyuman... actually, my entri yg nie bkn nk story about turttle laa, but.. it is about our trip, bdak2 part 4 bachelor of ESTATE MANAGEMENT, so..  itu je sbnrnya..yelaa kn.. kn terengganu terkenal dgn menda lah 2, so sj je laa gedik2 nk wat title cm 2.. hahaha.. dr shah alam ke terengganu it take long time untuk smpi.. pnat dok dlm bas UiTM uhh! so ade laa beberape agenda yg telah di aturkan oleh lec.. so we all follow je, n got asgmnt about property development trend in terengganu, 4 sure after balik trip must do the asgmnt!!!!!!  :)

                                   dalam bas mkn gula2 wth my frens.. KAT
                                 time tgu bas b4 aku cm xnk g
                                            air port TGGANU, site visit
n the last pic....

Hey everyone, check this band out. They're in the running to open for Incubus next week. Vote for them! #rosevelt4incubus

Hey everyone, check this band out. They're in the running to open for Incubus next week. Vote for them! #rosevelt4incubus

One + One= #P14G ONE Plan! Sign up now to experience the best broadband at indoor and outdoor with 2 FREE modem!

One + One= #P14G ONE Plan! Sign up now to experience the best broadband at indoor and outdoor with 2 FREE modem!

#WranglerJeans has arrived in Sunway Pyramid!! Checking it out tonight!

#WranglerJeans has arrived in Sunway Pyramid!! Checking it out tonight!

Instead of having to wear long gloves, jz #SolarTint ur car! It's way more fashionable that way. ;) #MilkADeal

Instead of having to wear long gloves, jz #SolarTint ur car! It's way more fashionable that way. ;) #MilkADeal

Deliciously brown! #ChocolataParadise is offering u a box of sin at RM19. #MilkADeal

Deliciously brown! #ChocolataParadise is offering u a box of sin at RM19. #MilkADeal