Tuesday, 12 July 2011


DLU TIME kt perak bnyak kenangan tercipta, cewah...!! haha.. STatus  nk gedik je ayt kn..  hadoi.. xleh lari laa i ngan perkataan "GEDIK"   EUWWWWWWW... haha.. yelaa kn.. selama 3 tahun kt sana.. bwh nie, clsmte i laa.. dorang best.. sgt sporting morting org kata...  :) sweet.....

next, bkn itu sj.. ade lg cerita time prt 3 pun seronok gak.. time buke pose sm2 ngan clsmte.. mkn kt restoran kt UTP, TP I DA LUPE LAA APE NAME RESTORAN 2... but, not bad laa... u know, we all sewa keta laa nk kua dr kampus, sbb jao ckit dr kampus uitm PERAK 2... so smua layan je, jnji dpt mkn sm2 kn...  :) 
                                            nie gmbr time pas mkn... hehehe
                                            pic ni diambil b4 gerak g buke pose...
then... ade lg.. :)
                                          nie pun gmbr pas buke pOse time part 5 skali 
                                           clbrate brthday i n wth others frens...
lg ape erk...  
after have a nice ramadhan, then get a nice hali laya kn.. hehe... so, we all njoy the hari raya wth beloved clsmte.. nie we all g berhari raya rmh syela, kt kuala kangsar.. best woo.. konvoi rmai2 .. as usual.. student life, asal gerak je 4 sure sewa keta.. hahaha.. so happy that day..
next, we all g rmh abg wan kt ipoh, mkn lg c 2... sgt kenyang hr 2 balik campus..  :)
kawan2 nie time jd orientation committee
best jgak time jd ajk time 2.. dpt tgk gelagak junior2 br masuk.. kesian dorang time mgu orientasi 2.. pnat giler2 terkejar2 ke situ sini.. rmai plak stdnt br masuk.. tp mengimbas sewaktu aku br masuk pom cm 2 gak dlu... hahahaha.. aku sgt benci time orientasi.. ape pom x bole... hahahaha

nie laa pic after orientasi.. but 2@3 months later.. :)
there is my rmte time prt 1.. so bnyk kenangan jgak.. dorang2 o.k jer.. best gak lah... yg pkai tdung pnk 2, same cos wth me laa.. but not same clss laa..  yg pkai bj kuning je, from SABAH bah... hahaha.. we call her bell, tdung pink just called dell n last 1 tu called iza,  have fun  in my sweet  room AT KOLEJ BIDARA, this pic have teken infront of that hostel.. lalalala.. after lucnh hour... :) sbb we all nothing to do...

Get a gelish manicure at #JovialBeauty for RM49! #MilkADeal

Get a gelish manicure at #JovialBeauty for RM49! #MilkADeal

Show off ur car in style. Don't buy a new one, wash ur car. But wash it #ProCar clean. #MilkADeal

Show off ur car in style. Don't buy a new one, wash ur car. But wash it #ProCar clean. #MilkADeal

Be ur own cool factor. Print a name card & start handing them out! #UMTWorks #MilkADeal

Be ur own cool factor. Print a name card & start handing them out! #UMTWorks #MilkADeal

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

Okay, let's make a deal. I win the iPad 2, you win the movie passes. Win-win for both of us right? #Churp2race

Okay, let's make a deal. I win the iPad 2, you win the movie passes. Win-win for both of us right? #Churp2race

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!