Monday, 11 July 2011


THIS MY MUM... her name is.. Faridah.. i miss u mum.. my mum works as a nurse.. nie gmbr dia time dia g confernce ape menda tah.. x hingat daa...  :) xsilap i QUEPACS... if i not mistaken laa.. :) sm x muke i ngan muke dia?? :)  kalo mak i nie, dia suke laa nk suh i kwin skrng nie, dia salu ckp, bnyak dh member2 i yg dh kwin, ade yg dh ade ank, hamboiiiiiii mak.. xsbr2 plak, dia.. tgu laa sy xhbs blaho lg laa mak ku syg.. nnti org da hbs blaja org kwin eh.. hehe <3 <3


hye... hello2.. gedik plak sy kn... hehe  sy dh grad, but futher stdy on deg level in the same cos... u know.. if ade org tnya i kn.. amek cos ape, i ckp estate management, ayoo.. usually bg people yg xtau kn, salu ckp cmni, nnti keja kt ladag lah eh, ish,........... grrrrrrrrr!! asal dgr estate je, ckp kt ladang, no laa! actually, this cost will manage about property okayyyyyyyy...  so, if ade org tnya lg, i ckp i maek real estate.. hah! hamek, br tau.. kalo ckp cm 2, wow! bagus2... good job nnti, hehehe :) u will become a developer, estate agent, valuer, kaye nnti.. hahaha.. wtv pon mst, bergantung pd rezeki n nasib laa.. yg penting usaha bg kasi hbs blaja dlu kn.. hehe, now i 1 year to go , then finish my deg level..  YA ALLAH permudahkan laa segala urusan pembelajaran ku... AMINNNNNNN......... sy sgt suke lagu ni skrng.. asyik dok ulang je lagu nie... cm best je.. layan.........


hye every1.......... what r u doing rite now? r u happy today?? hopefully everthing will be o.k ..  :) n have a nice day...  as usual.. actually i dun have idea to update my blog...  hehehhe  ;) but.. just to isi my leisure time..  gediks kn.. now i at my ofis.. so nothing to do.. so i rajin2 kn diri untuk tulis blog.. itu sj...

Smoothened face, after a session at #TheFaceStudio ! #MilkADeal

Smoothened face, after a session at #TheFaceStudio ! #MilkADeal

So what are the parents really saying about Proton Exora? Learn from them today! #allaboutexora

So what are the parents really saying about Proton Exora? Learn from them today! #allaboutexora

A haircut isn’t enough. Get a facial treatment as well as 3 makeup lessons at #InfinityHairDesign! #MilkADeal

A haircut isn’t enough. Get a facial treatment as well as 3 makeup lessons at #InfinityHairDesign! #MilkADeal

Hey everyone, check this band out. They're in the running to open for Incubus next week. Vote for them! #rosevelt4incubus

Hey everyone, check this band out. They're in the running to open for Incubus next week. Vote for them! #rosevelt4incubus

I can't WAIT to get my hands on the Hotlink prepaid data roaming. #nowyoucan be online anytime ANYWHERE!

I can't WAIT to get my hands on the Hotlink prepaid data roaming. #nowyoucan be online anytime ANYWHERE!

On a business trip? Not to worry cause #nowyoucan catch up with your emails with Hotlink prepaid data roaming!

On a business trip? Not to worry cause #nowyoucan catch up with your emails with Hotlink prepaid data roaming!

Churp Churp | Social Share » Be desirable with the new Vios G Limited and Vios TRD Sportivo. (Preview)

Churp Churp | Social Share » Be desirable with the new Vios G Limited and Vios TRD Sportivo. (Preview)


sepanjang cuti 4 bulan nie.. aku kerja laa.. hr 2 aku kerja kt kdai gmbr cine.. hahaha.. pas 2.. stop dah keja c 2.. sbb nya  kerja hbs pkul 7.30 mlm.. srt pkul 9.30 pg.. even aunty kedai 2 baik... aku xtahan lah kerja smpi mgrb.. balik rmh time mgrb .. cm x elok je.. :( so skrng aku keje admin kt cmpny sectry plak.. keje rileks je.. n working hours pomm.. nice.. 9 pg - 5.30 ptg je..